The Arctic Air Pure Chill personal cooler is compact and lightweight. The cooling device is so lightweight that almost anyone can carry it around. It can also be charged with a regular USB cable, making it easy and efficient to take wherever you go. Finally, due to its lightweight, the cooling unit can be stored easily in a closet, cupboard, etc. If that's not enough to impress you, the personal cooling unit also comes equipped with a louver which can be used to direct the flow of cool and cool air. This feature allows you to optimize the cooling unit's overall capacity according to your personal preferences.
For more questions regarding orders, delivery and product, contact the customer care line through call or email. It is easier to use than other devices and even for seniors. Check the water level of the tank every now and again.
These air coolers need to be maintained, while the Arctic Air Pure Chill Air Cooler requires only regular cleaning. The device is nearly as heavy as a bag of groceries. Arctic Air Chillbox, a portable AC, cools, purifies, humidifies and purifies any space.
If the fan mode is set high, the 450ml water tank might deplete much faster than at a lower setting. The device will also consume most of its water if it is left on all day. Thus, individuals should carefully use Arctic Air(r), pure Chill(tm), so that refills don’t become frequent.
Fan that makes a soft, almost breath-like white noise. If you spend any time in your backyard, you'll know how hot it can get. And how desperate you'll wish for cooling power. You can also opt for an evaporative cooler that can handle larger garages at a more affordable price. You have two options for portable air conditioner units' exhaust hoses: a single hose and a dual.
Free shipping is currently offered with any purchase of an Artic Air Cooler. Arctic Air Pure Chill is a better option than other air-cooling units. It provides more than just cooling. It functions as a humidifier and keeps the air around the user moist to prevent irritation of the skin, eyes, nose, and throat. It is impossible to determine if testimonials posted on the website are genuine.